It's important you attend this meeting to vote!

Your vote is crucial as it will help decide the future of your association. As a WeMAR member, you'll have the opportunity to vote on the merger of WeMAR and SEVRAR in person at a Special Membership Meeting on Friday, March 15, 2019, at 9:00 AM at WeMAR. You must be present at the beginning of the meeting and through the vote to submit your ballot.

You'll be given a written ballot at the meeting. Therefore, you must be present at the meeting to vote. The majority vote of members in attendance will decide the outcome of the merger.

Please register. To confirm your WeMAR membership, bring to the meeting your driver's license and your NRDS ID. We anticipate a large number of attendees. We ask that you arrive at least one-half hour before the meeting start time to check in.

Friday, March 15, 2019 | 9:00 AM | WeMAR

Thank you for taking this opportunity to share your voice and be a part of determining the future of your association!